Nedelja modeliranja ECMI Mathematical Modelling Week 2020

Master studenti primenjene matematike koji su zainteresovani za učešće na Nedelji modeliranja ECMI Mathematical Modelling Week 2020 ( ) treba da se jave prof. Danijeli Rajter-Ciric na mejl ( do 10.3.2020. i da tom prilikom pošalju: 1) kratku biografiju 2) motivaciono pismo 3) uverenje o položenim ispitima na osnovnim i master studijama

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BIGMATH PHD positions

7 open PhD positions are available in the framework of the Marie Curie EID (European Industrial Doctorate) BIGMATH – “Big Data Challenges for Mathematics”, at Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), TU Eindhoven (The Netherlands), IST Lisbon University (Portugal), Faculty of Sciences University of Novi Sad (Serbia). The PhD students will spend at least 18…

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